Donation Requests

From time to time, other organizations ask for our financial support. In order to properly evaluate such requests, we ask that you complete our Donation Request Form which can be accessed here. Instructions for completing and submitting a request are contained within the form.

Once you submit your request, it will be reviewed and discussed by our Board of Directors. The Board will then decide whether to approve the request or not, and communicate its decision to you shortly thereafter.

    Donation Request Form
    1. EmailPhone
    2. Political OrganizationSocial ClubDoes request need to be filled in less than 60 daysHas your organization recieved a donation from MVRC within the last 12 monthsIs your organization a 501(c)3
      Please prove you are human by selecting the car.

    Please fill out this form with as much information as you can so we may properly evaluate your request.


    Blog Post

    • Annual Leo P. Roselli Fund Raiser

      Early March each year at Medford Lakes Country Club the Medford-Vincentown Rotary Club holds a dinner to raise money in memory of Leo Roselli. Food is served with a cash bar with many friends and family attending. All of the funds raised go to the Ronald McDonald House.

    Meeting Date

    Tuesday at 6:30 PM

    Braddock's Tavern
    39 Main Street - Medford, NJ 08055 - United States